Collar and Elbow as taught and practiced in the first half of XX century, when it was an official part of the amateur wrestling training program. Clear - winner is "retaining his feet".
Irish people practiced following wrestling styles: collar and elbow, hug (shoulder and hip), and standing catch-hold of the jackets (above the waist), back and side falls to count.
There also was wrestling match (Nov 1828) between Irish champion Gaffney and Cornishman called Oliver, it was Irish play - same as Cornish/Devon except for that back and side falls were both counted.
Collar and Elbow as taught and practiced in the first half of XX century, when it was an official part of the amateur wrestling training program. Clear - winner is "retaining his feet".
Let Tom Connor Speak. Irish Collar and Elbow and American Collar and Elbow.
1789 First Wrestlers in The Kingdom.
£100 was a phenomenal amount in 1828.Did anyone really accept these figures at face value?
Irish people practiced following wrestling styles: collar and elbow, hug (shoulder and hip), and standing catch-hold of the jackets (above the waist), back and side falls to count.
There also was wrestling match (Nov 1828) between Irish champion Gaffney and Cornishman called Oliver, it was Irish play - same as Cornish/Devon except for that back and side falls were both counted.
Irish Wrestling Tourney 1848.
Shoulder and Hip Explained.
First Irish Belt.
Shoulder and Hip.
Irish Wrestling in East Lancashire.