We All Know Promoters used Wrestlers' Photos on Advertising Material to 'Enhance' the
'Lure' and 'Draw' of The Up-Coming Show!-So nothing new there!!
But even though My FAIRFIELD HALLS Poster Below is the Large Format!-Just LOOK at
HOW MANY Images they've Managed to Include!??!- Yes NINE-9-NINE!!
Is This a Record for ONE Poster??
And even yet it doesn't LOOK TOO Busy either!!

I see Gernot.
Ok, maybe this is Der Winner with nine photos and 14 wrestlers?
Min you, we have transitioned into the Crabtree era and various shown wrestlers - what a surprise, Big Daddy included - are not billed. It was all just too much effort to bother to be accurate ....
I mean, who needs a 10-man ko?
8-man would be fine with Torontos and Vippon doing a comedy breather.
Do you suppose the (honest) draw was made from the ring and Royal and Faulkner were drawn to oppose each other?