If this has been brought up before I apologise and please direct me to the relevant sections. My biggest wrestling pleasure ar present is without a doubt the french site and I am awaiting the new wrestling bouts being posted on it on Wednesdays as much as Iuse to wait for the wrestling at four pm on Saturday. And it made me wonder ( sourly) what ITV had locked away in their vaults. And it also made me think.......I read somewhere a Mr Lister said they had lots certainly all their midweek televised wrestling as much as TEN YEARS worth. Most of this will be sixties and black and white. Does it not make you wonder what possible commercial value this as to ITV? I mean who would want to see it in 2021 except people like ourselves? And would it be possible to approach them collectively maybe as the Wrestling Heritage group to see if a deal could be done? The Wrestling Heritage site is fantastic and full of information of people who are dedicated to the history and social documentation of wrestling in the fifties, sixties etc. Hopefully we could set out our stall on that basis that wrestling heritage seeks to preserve this wrestling history and can we have copies of their recordings. In the past we know they have sold batches to cable channels but these have been more modern colour tv recordings. Hopefully we can appeal to them and they will understand. If they want shed loads of money then obviously this is a no go we don’t have it. But who knows? They might be willing to release them to us for an amount we could afford if we clubbed together? Or save up for if we have a target to aim for we could do it under a central wrestling a Heritage account. I know I would be willing to contribute. I know lots of you are very knowledgable and passionate about the subject is it not worth a try? You know if those recordings are deleted/ destroyed all we have left is memory which is not always the most reliable. Think about it, if my idea is pie in the sky please say I will not take personally. You know the BBC are notorious liars and are constantly when questioned say old programmes are deleted just to shut the public up. Done this with LOADS of series when the public have requested to see again, and did it with a 1971 series called SUNSET SONG by the famous Scottish author LEWIS GRASSIC GIBBON. But eventually the Lewis Grassic Gibbon Society approached the BBC and asked could they have a copy for their society and low and behold they were given it after denying it even existed any more! Now I don’t think ITV will just give the Wrestling Heritage copies but seeing this is a serious committed site might look on a request favourably and price it at somewhere we can aim to buy collectively between us anyone any thoughts?
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It happens all the time......they say it just to shut the public up! It’s more annoying with the BBC as we FUND THEM with our licence money what’s in their vaults we have a right to see. Their is a sort of poetic justice in that a lot of the DOCTOR WHO series of the nineteen sixties HAVE been deleted ( mainly the Patrick Troughton era) and now Doctor Who turned out to be a cash cow for them And they are appealing to THE PUBLIC for anyone who as by any means got recordings of sixties Doctor Who episodes. So far they have managed to get 5 or 6 episodes of a 12 part Master Plan of the Dalek‘s as you can imagine I wish them luck with that one....