I posted the programs below a day ago, but they never showed up on site. Riot Squd found them, I thought that whilst re-posting them, I’d change the original text to clarify, some comments that have been accorded to Alan over the years, that may be misconstrued by some. Through the years, when Sir A.G. was mentioned in posts, often comments such as ‘well I saw him and he mostly lost’ another was “always disqualified’, recently I read about his loss of muscle. To those who never had the pleasure of watching Sir Alan, they must be a little puzzled as to why so many of Heritage remember him, to the extent of trying to have him declared a Saint!
(1) Looking at the full length picture on the Garfield he was almost certainly, never ‘ripped’ nor ‘jacked’, never had rippling muscles, Alan had the genetics of one whose muscle mass would always be hidden under a layer of fat. His genetics also meant as he aged, he would accumulate more avoir du pois. However, the muscle and ‘muscle memory’ and strength, would always be there. He also was the possessor of a pair of legs, an All Black hooker or prop would envy. (See what I did there. Already billed as from England, Australia, South Africa and now from New Zealand).
(2) Now, many villains, were programmed to be on the end of some rough punishment by their blue-eye opponent. To save face then, they would have to get themselves disqualified. The loser was considered by the audience as just that, a loser. However if Sir Alan was to lose a match on a disqualification, then it was guaranteed his opponent would be given a jolly good thrashing, before the referee called a halt to the manslaughter. The audience on this occasion would go home thinking that had Alan, not been so savage in his breaking of the the rules, would surely had won. Win or lose, the opponent would take a battering regardless of what stage of Alan’s career we speak of.
(3) I was witness to Alan winning three times. In one evening!
The Starr match had Ricki, walking to the ring behind an American flag bearer. Deafening cheers all round for the Yank. Alan followed behind, the English crowd, ear splitting boos, jeers and expletive deletives. In Brighton!
These posters are excellent at conveying the aura of a legit sport.The rules set out, space to record the tournament results and at the bottom the proviso that fighters may not appear due to a beating in an earlier fight