Continuing to Keep ANGLO and Others Happy-Here's a Few Snapshot Examples of his Hero
in Tag Matches-Not a very Common Sight for ALAN GARFIELD!!
All These are for BRIGHTON and 1964/1965!-
Starting with ALAN Partnering JOHNNY YEARSLEY against The Combo of JOE CORNELIUS
These were Great 5 Bout Shows-so Good Value for Your Money!!

Thanks for that. That's a tournament I would have liked to have seen. Zimba and Moser were very good friends and I only saw them tag together once on a Wryton show at The Gaiety Theatre, Rhyl, where they faced Pete Roberts and Al Marquette. Moser was doing a few shows for me and passed me Zimba's number with the intention of putting them on as a tag team but Zimba was not interested in risking regular work with Joint for a handful of bookings from a kid in his twenties. I recall Moser telling me not only that he and Zimba tagged well together but also that they had a neat little bout opposing one another. i certainly wasn't able to bring it to pass however.
Veidor/Tibor beat Bruno/Garfield in the final. Black Knights were Zimba/Moser
That's not me!
That's the Wild Man of Borneo.
You're standing in the way of the full line-up but, looking at the photo in Marquette's book, I see that Nagasaki/Yearsley and Garfield/Elrington were joined by Szakacs/Veidor and The Black Knights (one of whom I believe was Ezzard Hart). I used to just watch the shows or, for a decade, watch them and bung them on. Unlike myself, I know that many others who contribute kept match results. It would be fun in hindsight to know the results of this four team knockout.
Found it!
Perhaps I'm getting confused. I recall contributing to the the thread on Nagasaki's tag partners and recall that he entered this tournament tagging with Johnny Yearsley. I knew I had seen the Garfield/Elrington combination somewhere.
Bruno and Garfield tagged a good bit, they were mentioned as a team in The wrestler.
They were in one of the final shows at the Granada Tooting, 1970 I think. The one with Marquette v McManus. The poster was in Al's house when we took photos of him and it shortly before he passed away. Can't just find it now ....
I have vague memories of reading in an old copy of Ringsport a report by Evan Treharne of a Dale Martin card at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, and I'm pretty sure that Garfield was tagging with Bruno Elrington. How I wish in my later years that I'd kept some of this paraphernalia.
Great stuff, Main Mask!
This all seems to tie in with John's magnificent memories just posted of Cornelius getting a shiner in Brighton and going down surprisingly to Garfield. With these additions, maybe we have the answer for John: it was all part of a feud, or rather, a hunky dory series of matches that was convenient for all.
Just a few weeks ago, we/I were wondering why Garfield was on in Brighton so much, where he also defeated Starr.
Today's additions just add fuel to that theory that Garfield really wanted to win in Brighton and loved appearing there. These tags presented en bloc are quite something.
By the way, shouldn't we be surprised to see Jack Krammwr wrestling for DM in Brighton?
Musa v Street: another of the controversial pairings.
Who I Believe was his Regular Tag Buddy when Wrestling in The U.S.A.-
against Familiar Opposition for ALAN.....Yes it's CORNELIUS and PETERS