Continuing to Keep ANGLO and Others Happy-Here's a Few Snapshot Examples of his Hero
in Tag Matches-Not a very Common Sight for ALAN GARFIELD!!
All These are for BRIGHTON and 1964/1965!-
Starting with ALAN Partnering JOHNNY YEARSLEY against The Combo of JOE CORNELIUS
These were Great 5 Bout Shows-so Good Value for Your Money!!

Thanks for that. That's a tournament I would have liked to have seen. Zimba and Moser were very good friends and I only saw them tag together once on a Wryton show at The Gaiety Theatre, Rhyl, where they faced Pete Roberts and Al Marquette. Moser was doing a few shows for me and passed me Zimba's number with the intention of putting them on as a tag team but Zimba was not interested in risking regular work with Joint for a handful of bookings from a kid in his twenties. I recall Moser telling me not only that he and Zimba tagged well together but also that they had a neat little bout opposing one another. i certainly wasn't able to bring it to pass however.