A query from Jeanne Zwaans
Bill Best was a captain with the Dessert Rats and stayed at my parents house in Grevenbicht, South Limburg, Netherlands in January 1945 or even before. I think his unit were engineers as In my dads factory all sorts of repairs took place. They remained friends and Bill and his family visited us frequently till his death. I like to know if anyone can help me with more about his military activities in the Netherlands. I am writing a book on the resistance deeds of my family and will be for ever grateful for any bit of information!!
I was unable to answer any Army info on the above query but did establish that
William Bernard Peter Best was born in Liverpool 20th June 1916 and died in 2004 in the North Sefton area. His father had owned a Brass factory and the family were skilled in the making of Tin canisters. Father and Brother , Both John , were boxing promoters.
Bill Best had wife Doreen and two daughters Leslie and Linda who were twins.