ANGLO Once Said to Me that he'd never Known ROY 'BULL' DAVIS to Win Bouts!
I Dug-Out Some Victories for ROY-at BELLE VUE Think it was!!
However-Trawling Thru a Pile of WIMBLEDON PALAIS Programmes-On Another Quest-
I came across This Bill Topper from SEPTEMBER 1967- at which Time BILL was The
BRITISH HEAVYWEIGHT Champion!!-The Programme's Original Owner had Annotated
The Match Results-and he Records that ROBINSON was 'Unable to Continue'!?-So
A Win for ROY 'BULL' DAVIS!!
Wonder what happened here?-Did BILLY Twist his Ankle perhaps?
A Case of 'The Best Laid Plans'??-So The 'Scheduled' Result-Surely a ROBINSON Win-
couldn't happen??-Of All the Possible 'Scenarios'-I can't See BILLY-as Champion- agreeing
to 'Drop a Verdict' to DAVIS??
Just Shows Wrestling is never All it Seems to be??!!

Very nice, though, Main Mask. A feather in the Bull's cap. If the rematch had been months away, there might have been something in it. But the same calendar month and just three weeks later --- the posters had probably already been printed.
Great resources again from The Ost to bring logic to the theory.
Billy Robinson had some fine clashes with the great Verne Gagne over the years in America. Gagne, recalled that the matches he had with Robinson had been some of the finest in his wrestling career.
There was a rematch on the 28th where Robinson KO'd Davis. Just good simple booking.