ANGLO Once Said to Me that he'd never Known ROY 'BULL' DAVIS to Win Bouts!
I Dug-Out Some Victories for ROY-at BELLE VUE Think it was!!
However-Trawling Thru a Pile of WIMBLEDON PALAIS Programmes-On Another Quest-
I came across This Bill Topper from SEPTEMBER 1967- at which Time BILL was The
BRITISH HEAVYWEIGHT Champion!!-The Programme's Original Owner had Annotated
The Match Results-and he Records that ROBINSON was 'Unable to Continue'!?-So
A Win for ROY 'BULL' DAVIS!!
Wonder what happened here?-Did BILLY Twist his Ankle perhaps?
A Case of 'The Best Laid Plans'??-So The 'Scheduled' Result-Surely a ROBINSON Win-
couldn't happen??-Of All the Possible 'Scenarios'-I can't See BILLY-as Champion- agreeing
to 'Drop a Verdict' to DAVIS??
Just Shows Wrestling is never All it Seems to be??!!

Very nice, though, Main Mask. A feather in the Bull's cap. If the rematch had been months away, there might have been something in it. But the same calendar month and just three weeks later --- the posters had probably already been printed.
Great resources again from The Ost to bring logic to the theory.