In The 1960's and Early 1970's there were Some Great Matches for The BRITISH HEAVYWEIGHT
Championship! Top Names Spring to Mind- BILLY ROBINSON-BILLY JOYCE-ALBERT WALL!!
But When WALL Retired from The Ring-Taking his MOUNTEVANS BELT with him by the way-
Changes were afoot!- GWYN DAVIES Won The Crown-for his 2ND Time and a Worthy Champion-
he Held The Belt for 2 Years or so-Defending Many Times Including against STEVE VEIDOR!!
But by 1977 a 'Change of The Guard' was Decided-and DAVIES Came to My Beloved KINGS HALL
BELLE VUE to Defend his Title against TONY ST. CLAIR- See My Poster for This Show Below!
GWYN was to Lose his Belt via the D.Q. Route-a Possible 'Verdict' I Strongly DISAGREE with!!-
It C'ANT Happen This Way in AMERICA for a Title to Change Hands-which is Correct in My View-
because it Rules-Out The 'Challenger' doing his Best to get The Champion Disqualified to Win!!
Nothing against TONY ST.CLAIR-Who I Think was also a Worthy Champion!
It Seems DAVIES Radically Cut Down on his Wrestling after This-Possibly due to either Health?
or Business Reasons?- He Came Back More Regularly a Couple of Years Later!!
So a Fair Enough Title Change between 2 Very Good Heavyweights!
But could ST.CLAIR Keep The HEAVYWEIGHT Championship 'Credible' under The New 'Ruler'
See Below!....

or where he put his rhubarb