Can anyone help me find out what match the hotel manager is watching in this scene from The Blues Brothers? For 45 years I have wondered what match this is, and I’ve decided to finally solve the mystery.
I think the match may have been from the Royal Albert Hall because of two clues… 1) The long single white cushioning in the corners. Looking at photos from matches at Albert Hall in the 70’s, this cushioning seemed to be used frequently, and it was not common in North America… 2) From what you can here of the commentators, one seems to clearly be British.
Here are all the other clues we have to go on…
- The Blues Brothers wrapped filming on Feb. 1, 1980, so the match probably took place sometime in the late 70’s
- It appears to be two white wrestlers
- It’s not a tag team match
- One wrestler seems to be blonde and the other seems to be very hairy with black hair
- Neither appear to be wearing shorts. They both seem to be wearing either long tights or long pants
- The match is in color
- In the corners of the ring there are single pieces of white cushioning covering the turnbuckles
- There are two commentators. From what I can hear one seems to be from North America and the other is clearly British
- I can not hear either commentator mentioning the name of either of the two guys wrestling
- The British commentator seems to be reminiscing about the past. He mentions the names of three wrestlers from the past, Billy Watson, The Masked Marvel, and The Crusher.
Any help or thoughts you could give would be greatly appreciated!
If you want to take a look for yourself at the scene I posted this YouTube video. The part showing the match goes from 3:50-4:47

Definitely not UK the ring is too big
I can't disagree with Anglo , i will go with same explanation.
Definitely not British. Maybe the British voice you hear is that of Judo Al Hayes. He commentated in America.
Not British because:
that's an American camera angle.
one wrestler picks the other up from the mat and the referee approves. This was disallowed in UK.
UK wrestling never had two commentators. Occasionally an old-timer gave mid round analysis, but in hushed tones, not gabbling as here.
ring is too big.
we'd recognise the referee
British sports commentary style is to allow silences for viewers to analyse the obvious for themselves. Not end-to-end noise as here. (That is for the radio)
But chiefly because if this were seventies British wrestling they would all have remained glued to the screen - instead of ignoring it or walking out.
I am not very expert on American wrestling ... BUT expert enough to identify The Destroyer Dick Beyer in his white mask and white boots.