A true breath of fresh air at a time of decline had it all presence skill charisma knowledge,Dennis Mitchell donned the mask and should have topped bills nationwide a true gentleman outside the ring,I seem to recall he found the mask a problem because of an eye problem,shame the Kilmeister didn't grace rings for longer,I'd heard from workers Dennis was the real deal I then saw the
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I remember Dennis just after he started out. He always was a well grounded wrestler capable of holding his own with the lightheavyweights at the time.
For more, read my write-up in Heritage.
Never saw Dennis take the mask , but he was a well polished pro and I bet it was done well. Managed to pinpoint the era you are speaking of. By 11th September that year he was in Germany for at least a month with Don Vines , Steve Wright, Jack Rowlands and Marty Jones