If you use Microsoft Edge, or have easy access to it we'd like your help.
Log out of Heritage or the Forum and click the Forgot Password link on log in. After inserting your password in the Create Password box you should be sent an email enabling you to reset your password. You can ignore this, there's no need to select a new password.
We would just like to know if you received the password reset link from Wix.
Does anyone more computer literate than us know why a member might not receive the email, and it is not in their Spam box?
Thanks DjMask, that's really helpful. If anyone tech savvy knows why one of our members should be having this problem (could there be a setting on his computer?) please let us know. It's odd as he receives other emails without problem.
I’ve just the done the above using the Edge browser and received a password reset link. However, when you get to the password recovery page you have to manually fill in you email address as Autofill doesn’t work.