I was a bit late to see George Kidd at his very best I'd be interested to hearhow good he really was,particularly interested in Bernards opinion. In George's latter year any speed had gone and moves though effective looked laboured and stunted,his last TV appearance against Larry was a little sad in my opinion.His farewell match with Steve Logan was similar, albeit with alleged broken ribs and Steve by that time was carry a neck injury resulting in lack of mobility.George Kidd was an innovator and at his height produced skillful and dangerous moves remember Joe Dorazio sustained an injury that resulted in retirement in a bout with George.
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I never released how preposterous some of the information about Kidd is. His wikipedia page says he traveled to Mexico and unified the NWA World Lightweight title with the Mountevans title. Then it says he added Rene Ben Chemoul's "FFCP" World lightweight title to become the undisputed World Lightweight champion. Firstly, the NWA World Lightweight title wasn't created until November of 1952 and was a US title at the time. It became dormant and was resurrected by EMLL in 1958.
Secondly, there was no such thing as a "FFCP" title. The French promotions didn't have their own titles. If Kidd did beat Ben Chemoul for another World Lightweight title it would have been the Spanish version not this FFCP title.
None of this is a surprise given how wrestling works. Kidd liked to throw out the idea that he beat all comers and became the undisputed World Champion. Here is talking about it in 1977: