As far as Wrestling was concerned in the NORTH WEST in the 1960's-Apart from KINGS HALL BELLE VUE-the Venue to be at was LIVERPOOL STADIUM!
Like its MANCHESTER Counterpart the STADIUM Opened its Doors for the First Time in 1930!- And this Blood 'n' Guts Arena Witnessed some Great Shows over the Years-and I
have many Programmes in my Collection!
But for me it was one of my Ports of Call from the Mid '60's and if KENDO NAGASAKI was
on the Bill-I was definitely doing the 70 Mile Round Trip!
So below I Share some LIVERPOOL STADIUM Programmes from my very Earliest Years
watching Live Wrestling!
Firstly ZEBRA KID vs. BILLY ROBINSON!!....-BILL BEST Promoting!...

I’ll be there M M. Cheers!