NORTH of the Border in the 1960's some Great Wrestling Shows were Staged-and these
AWAY from the Big Halls in GLASGOW-DUNDEE and ABERDEEN-in the Smaller Towns!
Top Wrestlers from the SOUTH of ENGLAND made the Trip to Feature on these Bills and
'Played' to Packed Houses!-Below some Rare Programmes from my Collection- and on some
a Great Young Wrestler Appears-the sadly recently Departed ANDY ROBIN!!
Firstly PAISLEY ICE RINK-DECEMBER 1967-Note the Mighty ZEBRA KID just 2!! Days
before his Defeat and Unmasking by THE OUTLAW at KINGS HALL BELLE VUE!!
And it seems STEVE LOGAN with a Win over ANDY 'ROBBINS'!!
Think ANGLO will like this one?!!...

Cape Promotions were Fred Woolley and Danny Flynn. They promoted all over the country. We had a brief flirtation with Woolongong Bill some time back, you were probably in some airport lounge that day SaxonWolf. At least they haven't claimed Helen Two Rivers was Billy's sister. I see Ian St John has become Ewan and Andreas Svajic has swapped Eastern bloc countries.
They are indeed a splendid collection Main Mask. I've just commented on Masambula/Kellett in another thread. I thought it a one-off and here they are again.