Throughout the Country Back in The 1960'S- There were a Small Handful of really Popular
and Iconic Wrestling Arenas!- Halls with regular Weekly Shows which were always very Well
Attended!-Places where The Wrestling Public could always see Live Action from the Top Names
of the Day!
One such Venue was THE GAIETY BALLROOM in GRIMSBY-on The EAST Coast!
For a Spell in the Mid-Sixties this Smaller Hall was in its Wrestling Heyday!
Heralded in Advance by its Very Colourful Posters-Fans Flocked for Mid-Week Entertainment
with a Start Ticket Price of just 1/6!
Always 4 Bouts on The Bill!
For The Show Below this Affordable Price bought a Seat to Witness BILLY ROBINSON in with
BILL HOWES!....And a Chance to see The MASKED ZEBRA KID!

Thanks Ian.
Certainly the Morrell style of four equally presented bouts in the four corners of the poster, all the same size.
The colours are a surprise.