I`m often asked to show again the photo of me, and Al Hayes at the Cauliflower Alley Club meeting in Las Vegas in 2001 he had been a very physical man in his youth, and tried becoming an M.P. for his local Barnsbury, Islington area. He then took up with judo, and then wrestling, and in 1956 he had four meetings with Bert Assirati, at the time he had a very good reputation for "drop-kicking" so he took the fight to Assirati, and Assirati started to stagger around the ring looking on the verge of defeat, Hayes gaining more confidence tried one last big drop-kick to finish off Assirati, but at the very last second, Assirati dropped to the canvas, and Hayes went sailing over the ropes, and spent the next couple of months, including Christmas in hospital. He told me Assirati was basically a submission wrestler, who went all out for victory, although he never fouled you, you had to have a go at him, otherwise he would just steam roll over you. He said the Americans feared him coming over to the States again, as he was so tough.
Best for now Mike...............................