I was told by Les that his comic antics evolved from a bout with Seamus Donleavy where Les a high impact move and sent Seamus sprawling and I believe this explanation was touted both verbally and in print. However Les also asked me at a later date who I thought had the best timing in the game I gave my answer and he sighed and said he'd watched Laurel and Hardy live over here in the fifties and said watch them there's masters.At the time I thought it odd now I wonder were they his inspiration.
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If I remember correctly Les said The bout that changed it all against Seamus was at Brighton.
From memory , I don't think Les was doing his routine as early as the McManus Pallo feud so as Paul suggests , maybe he adopted it in the mid sixties.
A quick look at John Lister's index shows Les was on TV very sparsely in 1962/1963 , maybe only once or twice a year and then 4/5 times in 64 and 65.
I was hoping you'd comment Bernard as you saw Les in a different guise,I'd guess at pinpointing the change early to mid sixties.Funny you mention the dentures as I remember not being impressed With Critchley doing the teeth business.Les preferred a straight man in tag to play off it never worked with Coneeley.I liked Les and I think he got on with me ok.Yes there were surreal moments like refusing to work with two referees,the Morrell fall out,refusing publicity photo etc.
One further recollection for you Anglo.
When Les wrestled at Newcastle (I have to put that in, because I don't know otherwise) he had no false teeth in.
When he reffed, he did.
Of course top of the bill stars had teeth in- Fixodent to the rescue?
The rest of us ONLY know Kellett's comedy routines, so Bernard's recollections continue to fascinate.
Les is so different on the videos that I've seen to the Les that i saw at Newcastle in the early 50's. Then he was the straight up stern referee, who would stand no nonsense and no breaking of the fairly recent Mount-Evans rules.
When he wrestled ,whether on the bill, or as a stand in for a non-appearance, he came over the same way, straight and hard.
When I see him on the videos with his comic turn , I am amazed at the change .
I wonder what brought this on. In my opinion he would not have achieved this reputation or as many top of the bills as a straight wrestler.
Les was so good , I don't think anyone had the confidence to copy it . Yo could not match it.
But yes dazed or Drunk , Stan and Ollie could really act it.
Les has been so diversely described I doubt we will ever know the real Les.