Continuing My Ongoing Thread On MASKED TAG TEAMS-These Guys got a Mention On
My WHITE ANGELS Topic!- The 'Sensational' MASKED BARONS!!
My Article Below Features This Combo-Complete with Photo and..... OH NO!!-
They've FAILED My 1ST 'Test' for HOODED Pairings!!-What could This be??
Well!.... I absolutely HATE it When They Don't Wear Identical MASKS!!
This-For Me-Completely Undermines Their 'Credibility' as a Masked Duo!!-
Anything 'Cobbled Together' will do for Ring Attire!!
Apparently We're Reliably Informed They've Won 42 of Their First 60 Bouts??-This Must
Mean The Other 18 Matches were Drawn Verdicts??-Really??
Image-Wise These BARONS Remind Me of HACK's Favourites- The MASKED
UNDERTAKERS!- Why?-Well They also Wore Mis-Matching Masks-but Thankfully The
Two Above DON'T Wear BLACK Tights Like The 'TAKERS did!!
Did Anyone See These MASKED BARONS then??

Borgs v two heavyweights: grim stuff.