Truly Great MASKED Wrestlers were few and far between!-Not many stand out and STILL
Linger in our Memories even now Today!-Even less so when it comes to Visitors from Overseas!-But there are a Handful we can Nominate!
One of my Personal Favourites had a Career spanning around 5 Years-mainly operated
in FRANCE but visited our Shores from time to time and subsequently lost his MASK here
in the end!-This was the Exotic FRENCH WHITE ANGEL or L'ANGE BLANC!
One of the Top 4 Wrestlers on the Continent at this time-He was a Massive Draw and VERY Popular! A few of his Bouts are still on You Tube-and he was a Tough and very Skilful Athlete!
He is still talked about in Wrestling Circles in and around PARIS nowadays with Great Respect by ex-Wrestlers and Fans alike!
I never got the chance to see him Wrestle Live-4/5 Years before my Time but he was a Giant
in the Annals of Career MASKED Wrestlers and fully deserves his Place in my Personal Top
Ten Greatest MASKED Wrestlers of ALL TIME!
So this is my Tribute to the 'FRENCH' WHITE ANGEL-even though he was SPANISH actually!

It could be Phil, he has the look, can't tell his height from that.
Gill Voiney would also fit the bill, I would need to look at the Youtube footage again, here is his version of L'Homme Masque.