Every One Knows of My Special Fondness for Great Career MASKED Wrestlers!
Bur so often in Articles/Programmes etc-We See The Same Old 'Stock Photos' of These
Legendary Ring Warriors don't We?
So MAIN MASK is Sharing here Some Unique and Mega-Rare Photos from his Huge MASKED
Wrestler Archives!-Starting with Below:-
Even The Great COUNT BARTELLI was Forced to Submit On Very Rare Occasions as This
Shot Proves!- He Certainly 'Looks In Agony'!!
I Only Saw the COUNT Submit Live Twice Myself-Once against KENDO NAGASAKI....
The Other at The Hands oF GIANT HAYSTAX!!

Albeit B&W, a point of order please. Black Mask's mask appears to be red, certainly not the black of his singlet.
Dazzler looks so wild ... he needs to put a mask on so as not to frighten the ringsiders.