Well class, as you may remember I recently gave you an assignment. It was to put a name to a picture of a well known actor of television and cinema fame. Not one of you ventured an answer, even when I gave you all a handy clue. So, the whole class is to stay back after school, in detention and write in your exercise books the name and words NIGEL GREEN, Colour Sergeant, ZULU, fifty no, one hundred times. everyone, no excuses. Bernard, the Ghoul will have to open the new Iceland store without your attendance and if any of you should fail to attend, they will be sent to caretaker Mr Pye. I can see by the blood draining from your faces we shall be having a full turn up. Class dismissed.

These photos sure gladden the heart John.
I remember William Tell very well, I used to call the fat baddy Hamburger Gessler. Coincidently, Michael Caine and James Booth appeared in 'Tell' and also starred in Zulu. I must admit I had totally forgotten Jennifer!
There's also the very old joke that goes : 'How can you tell if someone is an intellectual' answer 'They can listen to the William Tell overture without thinking of The Lone Ranger'!
Further back in the mists of time he was “The Bear” in the 1950’s William Tell TV series, now being re-shown on Talking Pictures, the only channel currently worth watching.
When I was a lad, a local businessman in our village used to finish work early one night a week so he could watch Jennifer Jayne starring as Hedda Tell.
Don’t blame him!
I think that was Ivor Emmanuel the Welsh tenor singer,As worked with him at Newcastle when i was a muscian in the backing band, and a nicer man you could meet and work with.
Regards to all. Ian P,
Sorry John, don't remember seeing this photo from you before.
Try Lionel Jefferies.