One year ago we were all shocked to read of the death of one of the modern days greatest pro wrestlers.
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Talk Wrestling
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Funny, I had just about consigned it all to the furthest corners of my memory. I was talking to Hack today and said: "When Catweazle was locking up with Kirkwood, well, I didn't need to watch the action. I knew it off by heart. But there was so much else to be doing. Some knowledgeable fellow fans to talk to, exchange news of different venues,, preparing autograph-hunting material, looking out for autograph opportunities, and keeping out of sight at the back. I never sat at the front to avoid being told to SIT DOWN as I darted all over the place. At the back you could also mingle with others who were also keeping out of site. Mrs Kwango was a regular I sat next to, she winced through every throw and breathed a huge sigh of relief at the end of every bout. And Lady Z, as described above, also lurked at the back. If my prey was autographs, hers was more of a bloodsport type!"