Spring has Sprung!-Time for Our Regular SUNDAY Feature of Posters/Programmes/Flyers Dated
for The Weekly Newsletter!
Starting with:-
21ST MARCH 1971 SUTTON's PUBLIC BATHS Sees 2 Good Top Contests with BERT ROYAL
Facing JON CORTEZ!-These 2 could Really Wrestle so as Long as BERTIE-BOY didn't Employ
his Face-Slapping-it should have been An Entertaining Contest!
My Favourite Match On This Bill has to be GWYN DAVIES versus MAL KIRK-Power vs Power
should have been a 'Bone-Crunching' Encounter!!

Love the Sutton poster: six weeks after D-Day but Lsd reigned withe the “new” money consigned to brackets.
Happy memories of butchers and greengrocers defiantly having nothing to do with decimalisation. At the weekend I was required to explain why Centigrade is used for cold weather but when it’s warm, Fahrenheit is used, as last week’s sweltering 64F.