It's Weekend and Time for Our Regular Feature of Posters/Programmes/Flyers for The SUNDAY
Newsletter!- Starting with a Show at The TOWN HALL in HAMILTON On This Day!
In The Real World This would be an Easy Win for COUNT BARTELLI against DADDY in The
Bill Topper!! ++
EVEN THOUGH They are Giving Away Shed Loads of Weight to JOHNNY SOUTH and
RAY 'THUNDER' GLENDENNING-You can Bet This Tag Verdict went to The ROYALS!!...
Probably a Win by D.Q.!!

Agree that Cooper & P Szakacs is a weird combo.
We all love Bobby Barnes and he signed the most Beautiful autograph, too.
Much has been written on this site about Bobby Barnes. I'm sorry I never got the chance to promote him; the nearest being teaming up Adrian Street with Bobby Barron. There were few pros who could get a good fight going with an opponent whatever the weight. TV bouts against Steve Grey and Count Bartelli are recorded proof of his ability. I have seen posters of him up against Kendo Nagasaki and, on the other hand, Ignatious Borg. I never met him but I recall wrestlers of the day telling me that he was a quietly-spoken, modest man.
Bobby Barnes is giving away a shedload of weight to “The Bear”.
I remember seeing Ian Muir versus Dave Bond on TV. Disappointingly, Bond played the blue eye. Incidentally, the first time I saw Muir live was at The Wirrina Stadium, Peterborough. He was matched against Mel Stuart and Stuart also played it straight down the line as the blue eye.
Now THIS is an Interesting Match-Up!!- The 'IRON DUKE' IAN MUIR
Up Against DAVID 'THE LION' BOND!!-To See 2 'Rule Benders' Facing
Off is not a Common Occurence!-Lots of Potential here!
WHO do you Cheer for??-And WHO do you Boo then??
SID COOPER Paired with PETER SZAKACS is also a 'Curious Combo'??