Did anybody get to see him in his latter days and how much could he remember of his wrestling career. his loss was a sad moment in wrestling history
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Mark Rocco clearly made an everlasting impression on the wrestling world. I would call him a pioneer for sure, he changed British wrestling for good. Today, others now follow in his famous footsteps. Sad that he was taken relatively young, it makes you realise just how much those lads in the squared circle gave to all of us over the years.
He's up there, at the top table, that's for sure. Never a dull moment when he was in the ring.
As we have said before, he (along with Marty Jones, Dynamite Kid, and later, Dave Finlay) created the blue print for modern wrestling. An all action mixture of high spots and mat wrestling.
Greatest Wrestler ever. Successful businessman. Created an exciting life for himself and his family and best of all a wonderful father. Taken away way to early by a cruel disease. His only failing was supporting Man U...RIP Rollerball and thanks for the memories.
There will never be another.A true superstar of wrestling
Hi OP54NESSIE!- According to MARK's Family-He Started to Become somewhat
Forgetful when he Reached 60 Years of Age!
He Returned Home to MANCHESTER about 5 Years Before his Death from
Treatment was Commenced and in his Last Year-He was Admitted to a Care Home in WARRINGTON!
It Seems Some Days Before He Passed Away-He Was Visited There by COLIN
JOYNSON- MARK's Great Friend and Early Mentor!
The Word 'LEGEND' is Bandied About Almost Daily These Days!- BUT.....
In The Case of MARK ROLLERBALL ROCCO-It is an Understatement!!