As a huge fan of the recently departed Rollerball Rocco, I wondered if anyone has recollections of him fighting Mighty John Quinn ? There are photos out there of the bout(S) with blood involved from both parties alongside lumps of must have been some confrontation. How many times did this happen ? What was the result ? Was is it as compelling as we'd all like to think it was ? Might have been a long while ago, but someone must have some memories ?
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I thought Evan was a place on earth
Obviously the above should read Mark Rocco. Evan. R. Treharne occasionally got the odd name or fact wrong here and there, but like the rest of us he was only human.
A couple more from my collection.
Never use a Canadian's head to knock in a nail!
Definatley photo's N.S. I have at least one from Ringsport of Rocco bashing Quinn over the head with a piece of wood !!! Two great wrestlers with the gift of the gab. Says much about Rocco being able to put on a show against a giants like John Quinn and also Steve Casey/McHoy. And the professionalism of both big men at not hurting a much smaller man.