As time goes by (and mainly through reading the posts on this site) you tend to get to know a little bit about the various wrestlers you’ve seen, their jobs outside the ring, cars, how they got into the business etc. But I have to confess I know nothing about Sid at all. I enjoyed watching him even though he was never a legitimate convincing baddie and more a cartoon baddie (and I mean that in the nicest way possible way) he was still good value and entertaining. I believe he worked as a care worker and also a hospital porter other than that I know nothing. My best memory of him was leaving Fairfield halls early one night and walking past the dressing rooms to find Sid and Mal Saunders emerging for their bout unaware me and my father were coming down the staircase and Mal saying to Sid “Let’s make this a quick one Sid” That was a definite red card!
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Rest in Peace ar Sid
Not so sure about that Mate! Hair going fast, eye sight not far behind little pot belly starting to poke out and an ability to forget just about everything! 60 in August. Don’t know how that happened! 😳
Yes he was. That scowling face was pure pantomime villain. Great memories of watching Sid.
1963? Wow.. I was one then.
Sid was a top bloke. He was actually a quiet man in that he would talk to you on your own rather than shout across the room. He was great at putting the young lads over and winding up the crowd.
I well recall Norman Cooper’s first TV appearance v Barry Cannon in 1963.
Really? I wasn’t too sure if I’d heard that or not. Bless him.
Hope all’s good with you Adrian.
Thanks Ron. I never realised he'd been wrestling as far back as that. I'm always amazed and delighted to see these old programs you find too! Wrestling seemed so much better back then even though I never got to see it.
Is Sid still with us?
Well Frank we know he was also Norman Cooper,
He was Norman until about 1965 but overlapped because he used Sid as early as 1963.
Wrestled very late past TV years.