As time goes by (and mainly through reading the posts on this site) you tend to get to know a little bit about the various wrestlers you’ve seen, their jobs outside the ring, cars, how they got into the business etc. But I have to confess I know nothing about Sid at all. I enjoyed watching him even though he was never a legitimate convincing baddie and more a cartoon baddie (and I mean that in the nicest way possible way) he was still good value and entertaining. I believe he worked as a care worker and also a hospital porter other than that I know nothing. My best memory of him was leaving Fairfield halls early one night and walking past the dressing rooms to find Sid and Mal Saunders emerging for their bout unaware me and my father were coming down the staircase and Mal saying to Sid “Let’s make this a quick one Sid” That was a definite red card!
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Rest in Peace ar Sid