I was thinking today how effective the protect the game code was
Despite numerous attempted exposes in the tabloids only a few were successful usually with disgruntled workers help,the exception being Don Branch.I even now feel slightly uncomfortable writing this,reason it held was a mixture of ambition,not biting the hand that feeds you,pride in the job,love of the game and self preservation all to become meaningless with self destructive pantomime that even the kids knew was poor. Prior to this most workers were outraged by suggestion it wasn't real and at that time yes it was real you had to have skill and bottle to get into the game.I heard so many old school lads bemoaning the way the game was going.
I'm afraid I'm out of loop. What was so bad about Tug Wilson as matchmaker for Wryton? Repetitive matches? I believe the Conroy fellow had a fall out with Ian Burns, and Tug was given the job as he and Burns got on. When was that period?