Much has been Written,Said and Mooted about the Relationship between COUNT BARTELLI and KENDO NAGASAKI!-For Years-there were many 'Unanswered' ?s as
to Connections between these Two Greatest of MASKED Wrestlers!
More recently with PETER Deciding to Answer some of these Points of Conjecture himself
after finally Speaking in Public-We learn he was 'Around GEOFF so much-he wanted to BE
COUNT BARTELLI'!- So we've been 'Enlightened'!!
But what of the Wrestling Matches between these Two Ring Titans?-These Bouts were
Surefire Draws and I was Lucky enough to see quite a few of them Live myself!
Each Contest was one for the Scrapbook!-Superb Bouts and I was usually on the edge of my Ring-Side Seat in All of them!!
One of the Best of these was also one of the Best of ANY Heavyweight Bouts I saw-and that was Hundreds!-It was at WRYTON STADIUM BOLTON exactly 5 Years after their 1ST Epic
MASK vs MASK Clash-This Bout was on 5TH MARCH 1971!
BARTELLI was very Popular at WRYTON STADIUM-NAGASAKI wasn't and the Hall was packed to the Gunnels!-It was a very 'Hard' Match-with really Heavy Blows exchanged-with
NAGASAKI the Winner by a Single Score-A Reverse Elevated BEAR-HUG Submission in a 2
Fall Contest!
KENDO is on Record as stating-if he could' bring back' any Wrestler-He would bring back
COUNT BARTELLI!-So their Matches were Guaranteed Show-Stoppers!-Could BARTELLI
get his 'Revenge' and UNMASK NAGASAKI??-They came in their Droves in the Hope that he could!
Lets take a look at some of the Bouts in the BARTELLI/NAGASAKI 'FRANCHISE'!!-
At HULL-Note 'DR.DEATH' on Same Bill!....
I saw Kendo v Count Bartelli twice at Fairfield Halls Croydon