Back in the 1960's and 1970's Certain Champions Defended their Titles on a Regular Basis!
Prime Examples were JIM BREAKS-a 10 Time BRITISH LIGHTWEIGHT Champion and
STEVE GREY-a 7 Time Title Holder at the Same Weight!!
But Other MOUNTEVANS Champions Defended their Belts much less Frequently and One of
these was ZOLTAN BOSCIK!!
ZOLLY Won the LIGHTWEIGHT Title from JIM BREAKS in JUNE 1969 at SHEFFIELD-in a bit
of a 'Turn-Up' for the Books!-But BOSCIK Proved he was no 'Lucky Flash in the Pan' by going on
to keep this Title for almost 2 Years!!....
Until he was 'Relieved' of the Belt by JOHNNY SAINT at the Same Venue of his Initial Victory...
SHEFFIELD CITY HALL!!-SAINT only held this Title for 3 Months or so before BREAKS Reclaimed
Below the Cracking Bill when ZOLLY Lost his LIGHTWEIGHT Championship!!

The North South divide wasn't a workers decision ,the promoters positively encouraged this, machevelian doesn't cover it.The shrewd workers saw through it ,hence Dempsey much preferring Dale Martin.