TWO TOMMY MANN BOUTS ON YOU TUBE....VIVA LA FRANCE! Sorry it’s no use asking me to provide a link I struggle getting into Wrestling Heritage. Two to appear so recently is amazing. I had never seen a Tommy Mann bout before. But the french have provided us with a Al Hayes bout, as well as a very early Bert Royal bout and one with him tag teaming with his dad. Tommy is interviewed looks at a bar before his first bout and he appears fluent in French. I was very excited about these Tommy Mann bouts, my knowledge of him is shaky I had only ever seen a few photos of him but I knew he was a top name from the nineteen fifties well into the nineteen sixties., was a British champion too! so it’s wonderful to see him in action. Whilst he is defeated in both bouts, this is a France, and he is against local favourites probably would have been a different verdict in the UK, But still it’s great to see one of the greats of the past and it gives me hope! Maybe thanks to french tv we might get to see George Kidd, Jack Dempsey, Alan Colbeck, Billy Joyce etc that would be awesome. Anyone any idea of the time of these Mann bouts are they late nineteen fifties?
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Good point, Peter.
I suggest it was the French commentator continually treated it all as a joke, unreal.
Kent Walton persisted with his AI AI AIs and never ever indicated it was anything but a legitimate sport. This confirmed it all to those who wanted to believe and at least made the non-believers come back scratching their heads for another look.