Did Anyone know that in the early '60's the Great COUNT BARTELLI used to drive round
in a Super Red Sabre Sports Car?!-Nothing so UNUSUAL in that you might say!
However THIS Sports Car cost him NOTHING! 'twas a GIFT!! from a local Millionaire-
CHARLES LEAKE-in Semi-Professional Admiration for the COUNT'S Achievements
in the Ring!!-LEAKE Himself being an ex-Boxer and 2nd DAN Judoka!
Still NOT Mega-UNUSUAL you might cry!!
But THIS SABRE had this Great Wrestler's NAME Printed on Both Sides in GOLD!!
AND not just Gold Coloured Lettering but-22 CARAT GOLD Lettering!!
Now THAT'S UNUSUAL-even UNIQUE!- The car colour matched the colour of the
Does Anyone else have any UNUSUAL FACTS about ANY Wrestler??
Geoff Condliffe was my grand uncle (grandmother’s brother) and according to my dad he used to come to the family butchers (Beesons in Crewe) and buy 3 whole chickens to roast every day. Two for him, and one for his beloved Dog! He would always pop round every Sunday to visit his sister (my grandmother) and is to be found in many family photos entertaining the children with his wise words about the world and it’s weather
Here's the photo I have, from Dave Cameron's collection (I have uploaded it to the gallery):
I have a photo somewhere of Bartelli in that car.
At one time Johnny Czeslaw drove a Nash Metropolitan.
Jack Dale never swore. His favoured expletive was "confounded".