Whilst doing a bit of digging about Wrytons origins I have come across what I feel must be the most obscure titles and belts,it's so bizzare I had to share.Now my memory of an old silver belt with red roses bordering the centre which lay in the old office at Wryton Stadium had Ruslan champing at the bit and I couldn't give any further info.Well after discussions with Old timers even older than me,the subject of belts presented to Burke of Tyldesley,woods of Farnworth and a Grogan of Walkden these belts were for Lancashire area championships ,silver belts provided and manufactured by Berry a Bolton jeweller.Now Westhoughton is famous for Houghton weavers a Russian wrestler and a luddite event,but these belts it seems were presented well before Ronnie Pennington became Ivan.Itvseems this small town had ambitions to build and fund a cottage hospital and a local promoter,more on the Wryton origins later put on matches which drew large crowds to raise funds and became a regular event and the Westhoughton nursing and cottage hospital association presented belts. The cottage hospital was never built the association became defunct in theb1950s but according to my source the belts were silver and had red roses at the side of the centerpiece,it sounds like the one gathering dust at higher bridge Street all those years ago was one the wna belts.Ruslan I wished I'd looked closer in hindsight.Hope this hasn't bored you all to death but it was such a strange one felt it needed sharing.
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Dear Paul bkendo1 does this belt look familiar to you?
Thanks, R