I use to buy wrestling dvds from anywhere I could get them. One day something intrigued me in a pirate dvd I had purchase. It started with the end of the six o clock news on tv. MASAMBULA came on the screen his face was contorted in agony. This was not fake. And whilst you saw the referee kneeling over him Alan Colbeck, and his opponent Pete Roberts you could see this was serious. The newscaster was saying something on the lines that the cushioned post had comedown and MASAMBULA had slammed hard into the post injuring himself. As the news reader continued his commentary you heard him say the trial is still continuing and he was suing the promoter for negligence. Poor MASAMBULA his lawyer was obviously insisting they go for the jugular. He claimed he was in constant pain could not sleep and that it was even effecting his sex drive! My last memory was him coming down town hall steps to face the public. I don’t mean this frivolous but with a bowler hat and a smart suit and a cane to help him walk he reminded me of Chris Eubank. And of course all the reporters wanted to know was is it fixed. I like MASAMBULA a lot he added to the mystery in the sixties with his witch doctor routine I have a lot of sympathy for him. The newsreader said MASAMBULA refused to answer any of the fixed questions, good for him! But he was caught between a rock and a hard place, as anyone any idea how this trial ended for him?
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The article below appeared in The Sun Newspaper Friday, June 26 1981.
Sorry i couldn't get the entire headline onto my scanner, but it should read "THE FIGHT THAT FIXED MASAMBULA."
Thanks for this info, what this also demonstrates is when they need to drag up an old televised bout from possibly any period they can! Grrr
It took six years 1975-1981 to sue Morrell and Beresford and the Ring Erector.
Masam won £20,710. he was 57 years old at this time.
The match had been at Preston.
The Ring Erector Billy Shinfield was held two thirds to blame.