Gratefully Professional Wrestling had its Fair Share of 'Natural' Showmen!!-The Sport would
have been much poorer and probably even a bit boring without The Glamour-Splendour-
Gimmickry and 'Outrageous' Fashions of some of These Wrestlers Who were a 'Must Have'
for Audience 'Participation'!!
Even just One such 'Showman' on a Bill Enhanced the Line-Up and brought a Bit of Appeal
and Excitement to the 'Anticipation'!!
But what if 2!! Showmen were On the SAME Bill??-And What if These 2 Showmen were
pitted AGAINST Eachother??-Talk about 'Competing' for An Audience!!
Well JACKIE PALLO was Definitely A Showman-with his Striped Trunks-Ribbons -GREEN
'Glitzy' Shortie Ring Robe-not to mention the GOLD or SILVER Wrestling Boots!!
Well ADRIAN STREET was Definitely A Showman with his Face Make-Up-Exotic RingWear
and Long BLOND Locks-often Tinged with LILAC!!
Get These 2 Fighting Each Other and it was Showmanship at its Best!!
Below are 3 Examples of such Encounters!- Starting with A Pearl Harbour Day Top of The

Adrian did eventually annex the "World Middleweight Title" when working for Brian Dixon's "Wrestling Enterprises Of Birkenhead" in the late 70s. He was due to defend against Jon Cortez at Liverpool Stadium, but "lost" it, due to again, the weight "issues" mentioned in the previous post. He took part in a later K.O..competition at Liverpool for the title he "vacated" in a tournament involving I seem to recall, Jackie Pallo, Johnny Palance, and the eventual "winner" the aforementioned Jon Cortez.