Perhaps I've missed it but haven't seen comments on this Tome, recently been given that as a gift by a family member and I thought she liked me.lots of inaccuries but got be a few talking points .Not attempted it yet but are the Everley bros mentioned,Paul Lincoln financing the Halifax enterprise,Yukon Eric,Jimmy saville and pipe band opening Big Daddy club after demise off the Pussycat club. I'll comment when IV waded through , thought this would be discussed,as I say might have missed it .
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When I was a drama teacher in the seventies I often used to start the lesson with the pupils sitting round in a circle playing a warm-up game of which Chinese Whispers was one. The children were often amused by my story about a military commander who passed the message down the line, "We're going to advance. Send reinforcements." When it emerged at the end of the line it had become, "Going to a dance, send three and fourpence."