Dear Friends,
WWE traces their lineal championship to the famous Hack v Jenkins.
I am happy to present the original article on that legendary wrestling contest between the two giants of the game. Enjoy this report. Thanks, Russian Concussion.

The NWA was formed in 1948 but it traditionally traced its title back to Hackenschmidt in 1905. (After Lou Thesz won the title by default in Nov 1949 they renounced original champion Orville Brown and instead recognised Thesz's earlier NWAssociation lineage.) The WWWF title was an offshoot of the NWA title caused by Buddy Rogers' disputed loss to Lou Thesz on Jan 24th 1963 in Toronto. Therefore the WWWF/WWF/WWE title also traces back to Hackenschmidt in 1905, as do pretty much most major-league US versions of the World Heavyweight Pro Wrestling championship of the C20th and C21st.