What was Crabtree’s problem with Bobby Barnes? If it’s actually true that he didn’t like/rate him? How could he possibly fail to see what a huge asset he was to the grapple game. Im a bit vague on this one but I believe he also wanted Adrian Street to continue The Hells Angles with a different partner, absolute madness!
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Basically, when he managed to secure enough rope, he made a successful job of hanging himself.
How this adds up is far from clear. This was supposed to be a televised show yet John Lister's site doesn't list any televised shows from Aberdeen. Steve Young did tag with Adrian on television, but that was from Bolton in November, 1969, a Wryton show in Bolton, long before Max came to Joint. As you will see below Barron and Young were using the name Hells Angels in 1973, that's before Adrian and Bobby split. That's not how it sounds in the book. The book makes it sound like the Angels split because of Max. The Angels split only when Adrian left Joint and went to the opposition. Max may have disliked Bobby, we would never know. But this was business and Max continued to employ Bobby.
After posting this last night another thought occurred to me. If Max did want to replace Barnes with Young it may have been nothing to do with disliking Bobby put more pragmatically that the combined pay of Street/Young would be less than Street/Barnes. Now that would make more sense.
It was quite common in the early seventies to see Hells Angels (Street and Barnes) on a Joint show and, at the same time, Hells Angels (Young and Barron) on a Dixon show. On the one occasion when I booked Adrian Street I put him on with Bobby Barron and billed them as Hells Angels and neither commented upon it.
How this adds up is far from clear. This was supposed to be a televised show yet John Lister's site doesn't list any televised shows from Aberdeen. Steve Young did tag with Adrian on television, but that was from Bolton in November, 1969, a Wryton show in Bolton, long before Max came to Joint. As you will see below Barron and Young were using the name Hells Angels in 1973, that's before Adrian and Bobby split. That's not how it sounds in the book. The book makes it sound like the Angels split because of Max. The Angels split only when Adrian left Joint and went to the opposition. Max may have disliked Bobby, we would never know. But this was business and Max continued to employ Bobby.
As much as I think Adrian was right up there with the very best some of his stories do appear to be slightly embellished but I don’t doubt his story on this one. So... anyone got any idea what Crabtree’s problem with Bobby was ?
Sceptical of Adrians wrestling tales?... never! ... The Hells Angels without Bobby would be like The Royal bros without Bert.
I'm sceptical of this. Adrian and Bobby tagged together as Hells Angels up to February 1974. In February Adrian left Joint and Bobby stayed with them. That sounds a more feasible reason for the Hells Angels splitting.
Correct FRANK!-ADRIAN Himself Tells Us in One of His Books that CRABTREE
Wanted ROBBY BARON as the Other Half of HELLS ANGELS!-STREET Refused Point Blank!-At the Time BARON was Tagging with STEVE YOUNG-
a.k.a. SKULL MURPHY and these Latter Two Both had Long Bleached Blond
Hair!!-Although he DOES State that CRABTREE 'Disliked' BOBBY-ADRIAN does
not expand as to Reasons for this!-Maybe it was a Mutual Dislike/Clash of
But as I've Recorded in One of My Bygone FORUM Topics-'WHY HELLS
ANGELS REALLY ENDED'-It was for mainly this Reason!