Some areas as well as being conquered by Joint Promotions also had their own distinct feel over the years. So much so , in the case of Ayr that they have their very own wrestlers reunion that our own Hack attends. I am not going back to the very start as I am not sure when it all started , but well over 50 years ago now the regular venue was The Ice Rink in Ayr. I think the capacity was something like 4000. Wonder if they filled it when Joint Promotions aided by the TV Boom was at the peak of it's powers.
Here are a few bills. Some very big names got to travel up there regular by the looks of it and they worked with Scotland's best.
Cape Promotions were in Ayr in the 1960s, but by the time of this 1970 poster I thin this was more likely Orig,
By 1975 Spartan Promotions had taken over
Spartan still there in 1978
1978 again, still Spartan, with two of the Bryden brothers on the bill.