When I was very young and beards were, something of a rarity in the outside world a poster advertising a bearded wrestler —Ken Davies, Benny —indicated something very usual and therefore a villain who would get his beard pulled one hoped. Were there any bearded blue-eyes back in say the 60s and who was the first ?
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Ian Campbell had a beard and was not always a villain
I think Bob Kirkwood had a beard at some stage?
Pat Roach was always a heel
Tiger Alan Wood had a beard later in his career
"Ask 'im Ref!" as early as 1961. Nice fossil.
Here we are , Popular Bearded Star Tony Zale.
The First Bearded Wrestler Pat O, Connor.
And maybe as with the famous PIrate "Black Beard" projected menace.
The Black Diamonds pushed the persona with their beards not always advertising them or the hoods. But in the early days , here is an example.
Below , Mike Mura had to have a bearded push.
No sign of the Popular Bearded Wrestler yet.
A good question. Shows that after all these years of activity we (or James in this case can come up with some creativity).
At first I thought you were on to something James, and in general you are.
I tried thinking, quite a novel experience. The only time I saw Judd Harris he wasn't a villain, and I never saw Stoker Brooks in a villain role. Get thinking folks.
What a lovely question.
Beard = Baddie.
Bruno, Penzy, Wild Ian, Wells.
Then John Elijah shook things up.