The Prototype Great BILLY ROBINSON shortly after he turned Professional!
Below the other Bill I mentioned earlier!!
I will have more........
Note also on this FLYER-the MANCHESTER CITY Goalkeeper-TRAUTMAN-Moonlighting
as a Wrestler!?!?

There's another weird thing here.
Billy Robinson seemed to revert to being Bill Kenton.
And in the same year, certainly in Kent, Billy Joyce reverted to Bob Robinson.
They were both at it in the same year!
Too odd to be a coincidence?
Here's another early Bill Kenton appearance, this time from March, 1958. We know Bill was wrestling professionally in 1957 so if it's true, and I can't find evidence, that Robinson competed in the 1958 European amateur championships he would have used the false name to protect his amateur status.
Liverpool might have been right at the time or one of wrestlings approximations. Worked in Ellesmere Port.
Here is a very early Brian Trautman and they don't bother to tout him as Anglo German. Wonder if Liverpool is right. The show at Crewe in 1958 had a write up in the papers explaining that Trautmans skills did not match his colourful Scarlet and Cream Cloak fastened by a Gold Neck Chain. Great evidence of the embryonic stages of him becoming Lord Bertie.(German this time though,
Yes looks like it was the two Woodward brothers wrestling.
As for Lord Bertie I knew at the back of my mind I had been told his identity, thought there was a connection but couldn't remember or work it out. So began trawling through all sorts of things and found the answer in an email from Eddie Rose.
Main Mask queried Brian Trautman. Well he did go on to greater things. He was Lord Bertie Topham.
Very very confusing.
Yes agreed, I wonder if Anglo meant Billy went with his family name, instead of choosing a fake name?, although it reads to me the other way around.
The whole family are Robinson and non are
"...Meanwhile ......... so taking the ring name Robinson cannot have been a coincidence: the real surname that Billy Joyce had chosen not to use...."
Robinson was his real name Anglo, unless you are telling me that Billy somehow managed to get into a national amateur wrestling competition with an assumed surname?
SORRY for the delay the Wryton connection with the Swan with two necks was the owner was a director at wryton this being around the time that the training barn at Sandbach was operational. Before Slight upgrading the pub was a strange one the vault full of erm Manchester characters.The rear room was much more salubrious housing Camel Coat clad businessmen.
Ron Historyo;
"Your bill was for 1958 and included the wording amateur champion 56,57,58.
A strange one as Bill was pro in 1957."
The B.A.W.A. list Robinson as champion only in 1957
Trautman was discussed a few years back but we didn't get anywhere.
Aaaah, thanks for clarification. Makes it all the more interesting, then.
Tell us more about The Swan With Two Necks: in which way did it have wrestling connections?
I imagine Shudehill today no longer exists as a residential area, and has simply been swallowed up into the city centre?? In all the years I lived in Manchester I never heard mention of Shudehill.
Sorry Anglo no cross words intended no houses on Shudehill but the Swan with two nicks had Wryton connections
...........and does that clarify it???? Very cryptic.
Meanwhile ......... so taking the ring name Robinson cannot have been a coincidence: the real surname that Billy Joyce had chosen not to use.
Post should have read the Swan with Two Nicks
Your bill was for 1958 and included the wording amateur champion 56,57,58.
A strange one as Bill was pro in 1957.
The Kenton/Robinson thing was not hard and fast but mixed. It depended who and where Bill worked for. You won't find him much earlier and here just a few days apart
The Swan with two
Thank you!
Fascinating to see Shudehill given as his place of residence.