And I am sorry if as usual this is vague (and your only getting part of the picture and you have to put the puzzle together!) An American wrestling magazine, can’t remember its name. But, at the back the last few pages featured in very small print as not a great interest to a lot of the USA fans columns under the banner WRESTLING ROUND THE WORLD. It would feature CANADA, AUSTRALIA etc and of course the UK BRITISH SCENE this from the fifties. It use to rate the wrestlers in the countries too and rank them rated first to tenth. I seem to remember the UK column was written by a guy with a welsh sounding name Bill tregorden or some name like that. What interested me was it gave details of important wrestling results in the uk at the time. But also ( and this is true even at the time I thought crikey!) it not only RATED THE UK WRESTLERS BUT GAVE THEM A SCORE %BASED ON THEIR RESULTS THAT MONTH TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THEIR WIN to LOSS ratio. Very similar to a school report 😁. How they can be so accurate I have no idea I doubt they actually were! For example you would see FIRST ......FRANCIS ST CLAIR GREGORY 97% ( it might have recorded 20 bouts 19 wins) second ....and so forth is this ringing any bells with anyone?
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated continues to print results from around the world.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated continues to print results from around the world.
Ring Wrestling had the columns at the back, with various American regions plus UK including Scotland and Ireland at times. The magazine ran for many years though not sure how long it was sold in England. Some good info in those, I found a neat article on Jim Lewis in one.
The problem with the results within is there were no dates on them (because they were simply used to fill pages, and could be months old at time of printing) so they are not much good today. Other magazines had results from around the world and the same problem occurred.
I think the wrestling section and magazine grew from the sheer amount of wrestling shows across the USA as they far outnumbered boxing on American tv and couple this with the show promotions via local radio and tv it was the obvious next step that a national magazine would appear on the scene.
Powerlock is right that Ring Boxing did have a wrestling section, but for a time there was also a Ring Wrestling magazine. I think Bob Leonard, who you might remember from The Wrestler, was a force behind getting it started.
I don't know if te666x is right or not about the results collection but it wouldn't be as difficult as Poolstead1 assumes. In the 1960s/70s there was a network of fans who swapped results from around the country. If Ring received results from someone like Ray Plunkett, Ray Plummer, Terry Needham or Jack Mawdesley they would have more than enough for a few pages.
I remember as a young man entering a sex shop in Crewe where an extensive pile of American wrestling magazines was on display and I bought half a dozen much to the obvious disgust of the seedy gentleman who was serving and hoping to sell some of his more profitable merchandise.
I recall him being further annoyed as I was leaving with my purchases when a large posh Cheshire lady in a fur coat entered and pointed excitedly saying, "That's the ideal sex aid. How much is it?" Bad-temperedly he replied, "That's not for sale missus. It's my thermos flask."
I remember as a young man entering a sex shop in Crewe where an extensive pile of American wrestling magazines was on display and I bought half a dozen much to the obvious disgust of the seedy gentleman who was serving and hoping to sell some of his more profitable merchandise.
I recall him being further annoyed as I was leaving with my purchases when a large posh Cheshire lady in a fur coat entered and pointed excitedly saying, "That's the ideal sex aid. How much is it?" Bad-temperedly he replied, "That's not for sale missus. It's my thermos flask."
The American magazines turned up months after publication and seemed very exciting. The first one I had was just after Rogers lost his title and there was speculation of a Thesz v Samartino match. I remember the columns. Not sure of the magazine but would guess it was Ring Wrestling, a wrestling version of the Ring boxing magazine. Your Welshman may have been Evan Treharne, who wrote a column for one of the American mags.
Didn't The Ring although primarily a boxing magazine have some wrestling results info at the back of the magazine for a while in the 1960s
It was hard , back in the day , to even get your hands on American magazines.
I bought a few second hand at the back of the halls and I think there was a Street stall in Manchester that had them.
I remember wrestlers like Dory Funk Jr , Samartino and Mil Mascares being on the covers. Can't remember what the name of them was.