We all know Joint Promotions started in 1952. We also know that the constituent parts had all promoted from the mid 1940s and had worked co-operatively from 1948 onwards. So the formation of Joint was not a watershed moment in itself.
Nevertheless, having a rummage through Ron's albums I came across this advert from 1948. The only reason I'm posting it is that it struck me that just three years after the war ended and wrestling had risen from the ashes looking at this advert we could be looking at any 1950s Joint Promotion show.
Promoter is Mr Percy Pitmman, wrestler, buddy and business partner of Mick McManus. So Mick is there on the bill wrestling the Aldgate Flyer, Al Lipman. Garfield and St Bernard main eventing. And there's Jack Dale, Tony Mancelli who we remember as a referee. Seven of the eight were to go on to work for Dale Martin and Joint, though Van Dutz was getting on. The only one I don't recall is Jim Askins. Even the MC and referee were to become Joint Promotion stalwarts.

Fantastic, thank you for the info!
TheWrestlingNick TheWrestlingNick 2h ago
Is there any sort of official start date for Joint Promotions? I think I saw March 1952 but haven't come across any evidence of it yet. It's definitely before October that year.
Yes, although they had been working as part of BWPA since 1948 Joint Promotions Ltd was incorporated on the 13th March, 1952, in London. The company registration number was 0505419. The company had its first registered office at: Coliseum Buildings, Fairbank Road, Toller Lane, Bradford 8. On the date of incorporation of Joint Promotions Ltd, there were four directors, holding one share each, namely: Walter Leonard Beresford, Norman Morrell, George Fredrick Henry de Relwyskow,and Arthur Laurence Wright.
Dale Martin Promotions did not join until January, 1953.
When then or why did they start using the name "Joint Promotions"?
Nice work Ost
We beat you to it though
They had been working together prior to 1952. I guess it took a bit of finessing to incorporate everything, business wise and legal wise: EDIT: The middle and bottom clippings are from 1949.
Is there any sort of official start date for Joint Promotions? I think I saw March 1952 but haven't come across any evidence of it yet. It's definitely before October that year.
So Joint promotions could have been a lot sooner than 1952 with Co-operation at least four years earlier. I guess it was like the Brexit negotiations.
Morrell promoting in 1942
Yes and I also have Wryton 1946. We Know Relwyskow was very much pre war with the family taking over in the war after the death of Rel Senior so I wonder if Joint Promotions were waiting for Morrell and Beresford. Hard to pin Morrell and Beresford was actually wrestling into the 1950's.
Splendid, Ron. The report suggests that Dale Martin were already established by November, 1946.
Alan Garfield being listed as the strongest man in the world!
I ended up beating myself with this one. I do that much I forget some of it.
When did Dale Martin start?
Are you testing us Ron?
Well, you might remember that I found the company records showing the Dale Martin Promotions company was registered on 9th December, 1948.
Before I had time to feel smug you found them operating under that name a year earlier, on 11th November, 1947, and you provided the evidence of course.
Without any evidence (of course) The Wrestler magazine of December 1965 (page 11 if anyone is that bothered) said that the first Dale Martin show was at Beckenham Baths in March, 1944.
Yes, good spot, Hack.
Upon further analysis, can we detect that Jack Dale had a penchant for these southern England titles. All his trusties got one: Sonny Wallis here, Mancelli, McManus, later Charlie Fisher .... and Peter Rann. Makes you wonder what Rann did to earn his?
Jack of course claimed a national title. Maybe he just didn't want his name to appear as promoter, looked a bit dodgy him wrestliung too?
This is early for Garfield, before his tours. And he had been creating mayhem at the Coronation Ballroom prior to this! McManus was the sole wrestler at Garfield's funeral: they must have bonded in the van on Thanet trips like this.
Mind you, all bouts with 4x10 minute rounds - ugh! Must have been three draws booked.
Tiny there rather than Lou Marco, which might have fitted in even more logically.
Must agree , you do have a point. When did the term Dale Martins begin.
It could easily have been on this poster , but that would be too early would it not.
Or am I wrong.