We all know Joint Promotions started in 1952. We also know that the constituent parts had all promoted from the mid 1940s and had worked co-operatively from 1948 onwards. So the formation of Joint was not a watershed moment in itself.
Nevertheless, having a rummage through Ron's albums I came across this advert from 1948. The only reason I'm posting it is that it struck me that just three years after the war ended and wrestling had risen from the ashes looking at this advert we could be looking at any 1950s Joint Promotion show.
Promoter is Mr Percy Pitmman, wrestler, buddy and business partner of Mick McManus. So Mick is there on the bill wrestling the Aldgate Flyer, Al Lipman. Garfield and St Bernard main eventing. And there's Jack Dale, Tony Mancelli who we remember as a referee. Seven of the eight were to go on to work for Dale Martin and Joint, though Van Dutz was getting on. The only one I don't recall is Jim Askins. Even the MC and referee were to become Joint Promotion stalwarts.

Fantastic, thank you for the info!