Have there been any Wrestling Matches in British Rings in which a vastly superior opponent has just grabbed his less experienced opponent done one or two moves then body slammed his opponent for the win all within a minute or less and then left the ring to go back to his changing rooms?
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Absolutely dire Anglo Italian. No excuse. When so much was done to preserve the integrity of wrestling as a legitimate sport I can't understand why some things happened. This must have been planned, but why? If either Haystacks or Nagasaki were injured or there was some other legitimate reason the match couldn't take place then a bit of honesty would have left fans disappointed but not totally disillusioned.
One that does intrigue me is far more recent.
Johnny Saint against Buddy Ward's OAP comeback. That ended quickly in the first round. Was that planned? Or was it that Johnny couldn't risk waiting for the planned result and got it over with quickly to be on the safe side?