As far as Wrestling was concerned in the NORTH WEST in the 1960's-Apart from KINGS HALL BELLE VUE-the Venue to be at was LIVERPOOL STADIUM!
Like its MANCHESTER Counterpart the STADIUM Opened its Doors for the First Time in 1930!- And this Blood 'n' Guts Arena Witnessed some Great Shows over the Years-and I
have many Programmes in my Collection!
But for me it was one of my Ports of Call from the Mid '60's and if KENDO NAGASAKI was
on the Bill-I was definitely doing the 70 Mile Round Trip!
So below I Share some LIVERPOOL STADIUM Programmes from my very Earliest Years
watching Live Wrestling!
Firstly ZEBRA KID vs. BILLY ROBINSON!!....-BILL BEST Promoting!...

I’ll be there M M. Cheers!
Brilliant post MM.
Odd way to spell the great Timmy Geohagan, master of the sleeper hold.
Hi Power. Why?
He never got one when he did all of his griping about Morrell's bills, did he?
O K , I'll stop now and let him off the hook.
We all know that you can never beat the promoters.
watch out Bernard he will give you a public warning
Sour grapes Anglo !
Just because I notice there are three or four top-of-the-bill bouts - it doesn't make it right!
You should try sitting in the hushed crowd at Eastbourne through 2 x 25 minutes of handshakes all round....
Hi MM Don't let him off so lightly.
How many times did we hear about Newcastle bills and cherry picking.
O K just for you.
Hey Boys, Anglo said it here! " We always had two lower level matches,"
After all the hassle about bills that we had earlier.
Such great bills, from a southern point of view.
We always had two lower level matches, but these Liverpool bills regularly had three or four top-of-the-bill bouts.
Of course money comes into it. Would the stadium have been full in Liverpool? I imagine so. Can't really compare it to a couple of hundred punters on director's chairs at the Winter Garden Eastbourne.
Got a few from Liverpool, will add here when I have time.
I would think so. The other Norman Cooper was a heavyweight.
I know we established a while back that there were two Norman Coopers, but would that have been Sid/Syd against Jim Breaks?
Next ZEBRA KID AND GORDON NELSON on the SAME Bill but NOT Opposing!
BILL BEST again!....