Judging from the Amount of Views- Vintage Posters are Very Popular amongst HERITAGE
Members! I Know RON for One Much Appreciates The Superb Artwork of some of these
Gems from Bygone Days-and so do Many Others I'm Sure!
So here's a Cracking Example of This Great Early Artwork...
Below I'm Holding My FLEETWOOD Poster for a Show at The MARINE GARDENS in
JUNE 1947!! Long and Slim This Super Item is Packed with Detail without being
'OverBusy'!!-Incorporating 5!!!!! Wrestler Photos-Including One that Proves that Cloaks
were Popular Ring Garb!-DAVE ARMSTRONG Tops The Bill against 'BLONDIE' GORDON!
Great Condition too for an Item that is 73 Years Old!-Well Preserved with Cool Different
Blocks on The INKS!

These posters are special because they portray the authenticity of wrestling as a legitimate sport/